From structural damage to natural gas leaks, many homeowners have maintenance issues arise a few months after buying a home that they didn’t anticipate. Our goal is to provide home shoppers with a highly accurate home inspection so they can make an informed decision on whether or not to buy the home.

We Work For You

Conflict of interest free means that we are an independent inspection company that works for you.  Our dedication to our customers is evident in the work we do.

Mike Carson is known for exploring every nook and cranny of a home to complete a detailed report and for providing the expertise that comes from many years of experience. We take pride in the work we do for you.

Identifying Unknown Issues In Your Home

Although homeowners are obligated to disclose known defects we are all human and can forget things. Or perhaps you are left in charge of your parents home and don't know the condition of the home. I try my best to  identify unknown or undisclosed issues that the owner or family member may not know about. Foundation issues, electrical safety hazards, and moisture problems can arise after a home is purchased and not properly inspected.

Our inspection reports are around 30 pages and include pictures of issues for clarification, diagrams, maintenance tips, etc. Click here for a sample report. We also provide you with a maintenance manual of the home to help keep your new house in great shape.

Our Pre-Purchase Home Inspection Service

Our typical home inspection lasts 3 1/2 hours, and you're invited to follow along with us as we perform our inspection. When the inspection is over, your home inspector will prepare a detailed inspection report regarding the property that includes photographs, videos, and emergency tags for equipment and a comprehensive maintenance manual to help you take care of your new home. We also provide a radon test that adheres to strict national standards and uses an electronic radon monitor.

Our Home Inspection Process

We look over homes from top to bottom and investigate the roof and components, ventilation, structure, heating and cooling system, electrical work, plumbing system and home drainage. We open and close doors and windows, inspect roofing materials, structural components, plumbing fixtures, air conditioners, and heating units.

Our Commitment to Serving the Community

We are a premier state and nationally certified home inspection company that has a reputation for accurate pre-purchase home inspections serving Wausau, Rothschild, Mosinee, Merrill, Kronenwetter, Stevens Point, and Weston, Wisconsin. Inspect It Right Home Inspections is also known for giving back to the community through our work for Habitat for Humanity and for sponsoring a local baseball team.

Are you looking for a home inspector that truly works for you? Call Mike Carson today for a pre-purchase inspection!

Looking to buy a home?

Schedule a pre-purchase inspection with Inspect it Right Home Inspections.

1 (715) 212-4051

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  • Jason H.

    Hi Mike,

    I just wanted to say Thank You for taking my call this evening regarding my question about permits.  We met with our Realtor tonight to go over the inspection and I needed some clarification.  Unfortunately, it turned into a pretty heated discussion with our Realtor but we go a lot accomplished with regards to what we are asking seller to cure in order for us to proceed with the sale.  I appreciate you educating us yesterday so much that I just wanted to let you know that I will be speaking VERY HIGHLY of you to anyone that I can!  It's great to know that there is someone out there like you keeping these sellers and agents honest because the layman such as myself has no clue how complex it really is to build and maintain a home correctly.

    Thanks again and I will keep you posted how things turn out.  If we do end up purchasing this home, we will at some point probably hire your services for the energy efficiency improvement items we spoke about. 

State Licensed Home Inspector