November 6, 2012

This November 11, 2012 is Veterans Day, with all the post election coverage lets take a moment to remember those who currently serve, and those who surved and sacrificed for our country. Inspect It Right Home Inspections takes pride in supporting our military. Listen for our message supporting our service members on WXCO 1230AM beginning on November 7, 2012.

Having served in the United States Navy as a Surface Sonar Technician and serving several deployments to the Persian Gulf Region, Veterans Day holds a special place and rememberance.

A special heartfelt Thank You to those who are currently serving and to those who have served and sacrificed, we appreciate what you do.


  • Ashley D. (Via Linkedin)

    Mike is very detailed in his work and very trustworthy.  He was recommended to me by several coworkers, which speaks volumes to his work.  You can tell he truly cares about his clients and provides exceptional service. Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity.